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[Udemy] Окончательный курс React 2023. React, Redux и многое другое (Йонас Шмедтманн)

Тема в разделе "Переводы курсов"

6000 руб
218 руб

Список участников складчины:

1. Dr.Vatson
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  1. Dr.Vatson Организатор складчин

    [Udemy] Окончательный курс React 2023. React, Redux и многое другое (Йонас Шмедтманн)

    [Udemy] Окончательный курс React 2023. React, Redux и многое другое (Йонас Шмедтманн)
    Только что запущен в июне 2023 года!
    Пройдите этот курс после прохождения моего самого продаваемого курса JavaScript (более 750000 студентов).

    В 2023 году React по-прежнему остается навыком №1, который нужно изучить, если вы хотите стать успешным разработчиком интерфейса!

    Но это может быть трудно. Там так много движущихся частей, так много разных библиотек, так много туториалов.

    Вот почему вы пришли сюда... И вы пришли в нужное место! Это лучший курс React на 2023 год и далее.

    Практический подход к освоению React путем создания отполированных приложений, подкрепленных диаграммами, теорией и взглядом на внутреннюю часть React.

    Универсальный пакет, который поможет вам с нуля по-настоящему понять React и создать современные, мощные и профессиональные веб-приложения.

    Реальные проекты. Реальные объяснения. Настоящий Реакт.
    [01] Почему этот курс по React подходит именно вам?

    Это самый глубокий курс по React на Udemy, и он принципиально отличается от всех остальных .

    Вот почему:
    - Содержит самый большой и профессиональный проект, в котором реализовано множество общих функций приложения (см. промо-ролик!)
    - Сверхдетальные объяснения всех важных концепций с тщательно продуманными и анимированными диаграммами.
    - Большое внимание уделяется тому, как думать в React, и современным передовым практикам.
    - Длинный раздел, в котором исследуется, как React на самом деле работает за кулисами, придаст вам уверенности в том, что вы сможете эффективно использовать React самостоятельно.
    - Расширенные шаблоны проектирования, такие как составные компоненты, заставят вас думать как старший инженер React.

    И это только основные моменты! Ознакомьтесь с полным списком ниже (+ промо-видео и учебная программа).

    Кроме того, не заблуждайтесь: «Курс React» на самом деле означает «Курс по фронтенд-разработке с React и современными библиотеками».

    Правильно, помимо самой библиотеки React, вы изучите и освоите их все: React Router, Redux, Redux Toolkit, React Query, React Hook Form, Styled Components, Tailwind CSS и многое другое.

    Именно так мы планируем, строим и внедряем профессиональные проекты! Мы даже используем стандартные отраслевые инструменты, такие как Supabase (полноценная серверная часть), GitHub, Netlify и Vercel.

    Как и следовало ожидать, этот курс на 100% основан на проектах. Таким образом, на протяжении всего курса вы начнете создавать свое портфолио из 8+ красивых и высококачественных приложений React, каждое из которых продемонстрирует несколько новых навыков, которые вы будете изучать.

    К концу курса у вас будут все знания и уверенность, необходимые для того, чтобы успешно пройти собеседование и стать профессиональным разработчиком React, которого ищут компании.

    [02] Почему я подходящий вам преподаватель React?
    Меня зовут Джонас, я опытный веб-разработчик и дизайнер, а также один из лучших инструкторов Udemy. Я преподаю курсы веб-разработки с 2015 года более чем 1 500 000 разработчиков , поэтому я точно знаю, как студенты учатся и что необходимо для освоения любого предмета.
    Имея это в виду, я разработал идеальную учебную программу для этого курса: уникальное сочетание реальных проектов, подробных объяснений и теоретических лекций , чтобы превратить вас в уверенного разработчика React всего за пару недель.
    Готовы стать уверенным и независимым разработчиком React, способным создавать собственные приложения? Тогда не ждите больше и начните свое путешествие с React сегодня!

    [03] Все еще не уверены? Вот все занудные подробности того, что мы рассмотрим:
    - Основы React [зачем нам вообще нужен React, компоненты, JSX, реквизиты, события, формы, состояние, реквизиты и состояния]
    - Как думать о состоянии [где размещать состояние, рекомендации, поднятие состояния, локальное и глобальное состояние, пользовательский интерфейс и удаленное состояние]
    - Как думать о компонентах [как разделить компоненты, реквизиты как API, как создавать повторно используемые и компонуемые компоненты, дочерние реквизиты]
    - Глубокое погружение в эффекты и useEffect [извлечение данных, жизненный цикл и синхронизация, когда использовать эффекты, эффекты и обработчики событий]
    - Глубокое погружение в хуки [правила хуков, как работают хуки, useRef, создание многоразовых пользовательских хуков]
    - Оптимизация производительности [пустой рендеринг, мемоизация с помощью memo, useMemo и useCallback, оптимизация Context API, разделение кода + Suspense]
    - Расширенное управление состоянием [крючок useReducer, Context API, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Thunks, React Query]
    - Создание одностраничных приложений (SPA) [Vite, маршрутизация с помощью React Router, параметры URL и строки запроса для управления состоянием, загрузчики данных и действия (v6.4+)]
    - Создание реальных функций, которые можно найти во многих приложениях [аутентификация и авторизация, сортировка данных, фильтрация и разбиение на страницы, темный режим, панель инструментов с диаграммами и т.д.]
    - Создание собственной серверной части с помощью БД и API с помощью Supabase [получите возможность самостоятельно создавать приложения с полным стеком!]
    - Как стилизовать приложения React [Tailwind CSS, CSS-модули и стилизованные компоненты (CSS-in-JS)]
    - Расширенные шаблоны React, используемые старшими разработчиками [реквизиты, компоненты более высокого порядка, составные компоненты (для создания модального окна, контекстного меню и т.д.)]
    - Как React работает за кулисами [рендеринг, виртуальный DOM, сверка, дерево волокон, поддержка ключей, события, пакетирование состояний и т.д.]

    [04] Зарегистрировавшись сегодня, вы также получите:
    - Актуальные видео в HD-качестве, которые легко найти и сослаться на них (отлично подходит для учащихся Udemy Business)
    - Загружаемые слайды в формате PDF для более 60 теоретических видеороликов (обещаю, не скучно!)
    - Профессиональные субтитры на английском языке (не создаются автоматически)
    - Загружаемые ресурсы и стартовый и окончательный код для каждого проекта
    - Бесплатная и быстрая поддержка в курсе вопросов и ответов
    - Более 10 задач и упражнений для отработки навыков (включая решения)
    Чему вы научитесь:
    - Станьте продвинутым, уверенным и современным разработчиком React с нуля.
    - Создайте 8+ прекрасных проектов, включая одно ОГРОМНОЕ профессиональное приложение из реального мира.
    - Подготовьтесь к работе, работая с библиотеками и инструментами, используемыми в профессиональных проектах.
    - Присоединяйтесь к моим другим 1500000+ счастливым ученикам в этом путешествии.
    - Думайте как старший инженер React с передовыми шаблонами проектирования.
    - Основы React: компоненты, JSX, props, события, состояние, формы.
    - Управление состоянием: размышления о состоянии, где разместить, локальное или глобальное, пользовательский интерфейс или удаленное.
    - Создавайте многоразовые, компонуемые и универсальные компоненты.
    - Освойте запутанный, но важный хук useEffect раз и навсегда.
    - Создавайте множество пользовательских хуков, которые можно повторно использовать в ваших будущих проектах.
    - Создавайте одностраничные приложения с помощью React Router (включая v6.4+ с загрузкой данных).
    - Оптимизация производительности с помощью memo, useMemo, useCallback и разделения кода.
    - Расширенные функции React: useReducer, Context API, cloneElement, порталы и т.д.
    - Расширенное управление состоянием с помощью Redux, Redux Toolkit, Thunks, React Query.
    - Создавайте реальные функции приложения: аутентификацию, сортировку данных, фильтрацию и разбивку на страницы, темный режим, диаграммы и т.д.
    - Поймите, как React на самом деле работает за кулисами: виртуальный DOM, согласование, дерево волокон, поддержка ключей и т.д.
    - Стилизуйте свои приложения с помощью Tailwind CSS, модулей CSS, стилизованных компонентов (CSS-in-JS).
    - Практикуйте свои навыки с помощью множества задач, упражнений и практических проектов.

    - Опыт работы с React не требуется! Я проведу вас от новичка до эксперта!
    - Требуется базовое понимание JavaScript (этот курс содержит раздел быстрого обзора JavaScript).
    - Подойдет любой компьютер и ОС — Windows, macOS или Linux.

    Для кого этот курс:
    - Вы только что закончили изучение JavaScript и хотите сделать следующий шаг!
    - Вы хотите по-настоящему освоить разработку React, включая общие библиотеки, необходимые для создания реальных приложений: React Router, Redux, React Query, React Hooks Form и многие другие.
    - Вы изучаете React, но 1) все еще не понимаете React или 2) все еще не чувствуете себя уверенно, чтобы создавать профессиональные приложения React.
    - Вы создавали приложения React, но по-прежнему не хватает продвинутых вещей: useReducer, оптимизации производительности, того, как на самом деле работает React, расширенных шаблонов проектирования и т.д.

    Курс на русском языке (машинный перевод).
    Курс на английском языке (оригинал) Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... .
    01 Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
    001 Course Roadmap and Projects.en.srt [4k 372]
    001 Course Roadmap and Projects.mkv [35m 24k 228]
    001 Course Roadmap and Projects.ru.srt [6k 371]
    002 Building Our First React App!.en.srt [30k 460]
    002 Building Our First React App!.mkv [93m 396k 935]
    002 Building Our First React App!.ru.srt [44k 180]
    002.1 CodeSandbox link.html [115]
    003 Watch Before You Start!.en.srt [8k 30]
    003 Watch Before You Start!.mkv [30m 162k 938]
    003 Watch Before You Start!.ru.srt [11k 793]
    004 Read Before You Start!.html [1k 398]
    004.1 GitHub repository.html [118]
    004.2 theory-slides.pdf [50m 765k 391]
    005 Downloading Course Material.en.srt [5k 520]
    005 Downloading Course Material.mkv [22m 90k 688]
    005 Downloading Course Material.ru.srt [8k 10]
    005.1 GitHub repository.html [118]

    002 Useful Resources for Part 1.html [1k 55]
    006 Introduction to Part 1.en.srt [1k 328]
    006 Introduction to Part 1.mkv [14m 288k 636]
    006 Introduction to Part 1.ru.srt [1k 879]

    03 A First Look at React
    003.1 CodeSandbox link.html [115]
    006.1 Get React URL from here.html [194]
    008 Section Overview.en.srt [972]
    008 Section Overview.mkv [3m 412k 886]
    008 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 487]
    009 Why Do Front End Frameworks Exist.en.srt [17k 477]
    009 Why Do Front End Frameworks Exist.mkv [53m 536k 582]
    009 Why Do Front End Frameworks Exist.ru.srt [25k 674]
    010 React vs Vanilla JavaScript.en.srt [11k 907]
    010 React vs Vanilla JavaScript.mkv [40m 137k 746]
    010 React vs Vanilla JavaScript.ru.srt [17k 46]
    011 What is React.en.srt [15k 90]
    011 What is React.mkv [40m 340k 527]
    011 What is React.ru.srt [22k 950]
    012 Setting Up Our Development Environment.en.srt [15k 60]
    012 Setting Up Our Development Environment.mkv [44m 662k 300]
    012 Setting Up Our Development Environment.ru.srt [21k 920]
    013 Pure React.en.srt [24k 356]
    013 Pure React.mkv [68m 79k 838]
    013 Pure React.ru.srt [35k 984]
    014 A Quick Look at React's Official Documentation.en.srt [5k 179]
    014 A Quick Look at React's Official Documentation.mkv [20m 363k 656]
    014 A Quick Look at React's Official Documentation.ru.srt [7k 687]
    015 Setting Up a New React Project ;The Options.en.srt [11k 188]
    015 Setting Up a New React Project ;The Options.mkv [34m 800k 617]
    015 Setting Up a New React Project ;The Options.ru.srt [17k 371]
    016 Setting Up a Project With Create React App.en.srt [21k 520]
    016 Setting Up a Project With Create React App.mkv [54m 956k 112]
    016 Setting Up a Project With Create React App.ru.srt [30k 856]

    04 [Optional] Review of Essential JavaScript for React
    017 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 449]
    017 Section Overview.mkv [5m 113k 416]
    017 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 56]
    018 Destructuring Objects and Arrays.en.srt [17k 682]
    018 Destructuring Objects and Arrays.mkv [52m 525k 712]
    018 Destructuring Objects and Arrays.ru.srt [25k 293]
    019 Rest,Spread Operator.en.srt [15k 630]
    019 Rest,Spread Operator.mkv [49m 892k 493]
    019 Rest,Spread Operator.ru.srt [22k 444]
    020 Template Literals.en.srt [7k 995]
    020 Template Literals.mkv [24m 489k 222]
    020 Template Literals.ru.srt [11k 717]
    021 Ternaries Instead of if,else Statements.en.srt [8k 961]
    021 Ternaries Instead of if,else Statements.mkv [34m 300k 522]
    021 Ternaries Instead of if,else Statements.ru.srt [12k 744]
    022 Arrow Functions.en.srt [8k 439]
    022 Arrow Functions.mkv [28m 682k 965]
    022 Arrow Functions.ru.srt [12k 509]
    023 Short Circuiting And Logical Operators.en.srt [16k 43]
    023 Short Circuiting And Logical Operators.mkv [64m 519k 433]
    023 Short Circuiting And Logical Operators.ru.srt [23k 575]
    024 Optional Chaining.en.srt [10k 615]
    024 Optional Chaining.mkv [38m 326k 559]
    024 Optional Chaining.ru.srt [15k 373]
    025 The Array map Method.en.srt [13k 941]
    025 The Array map Method.mkv [44m 848k 562]
    025 The Array map Method.ru.srt [19k 965]
    026 The Array filter Method.en.srt [13k 114]
    026 The Array filter Method.mkv [52m 13k 582]
    026 The Array filter Method.ru.srt [18k 667]
    027 The Array reduce Method.en.srt [11k 989]
    027 The Array reduce Method.mkv [38m 740k 602]
    027 The Array reduce Method.ru.srt [17k 332]
    028 The Array sort Method.en.srt [9k 764]
    028 The Array sort Method.mkv [37m 804k 617]
    028 The Array sort Method.ru.srt [14k 256]
    029 Working With Immutable Arrays.en.srt [17k 339]
    029 Working With Immutable Arrays.mkv [59m 768k 715]
    029 Working With Immutable Arrays.ru.srt [24k 564]
    030 Asynchronous JavaScript Promises.en.srt [13k 300]
    030 Asynchronous JavaScript Promises.mkv [36m 614k 905]
    030 Asynchronous JavaScript Promises.ru.srt [18k 918]
    031 Asynchronous JavaScript AsyncAwait.en.srt [11k 950]
    031 Asynchronous JavaScript AsyncAwait.mkv [34m 352k 479]
    031 Asynchronous JavaScript AsyncAwait.ru.srt [17k 316]

    05 Working With Components, Props, and JSX
    013.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v1.html [129]
    013.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [128]
    024.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v2.html [129]
    032 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 287]
    032 Section Overview.mkv [4m 474k 699]
    032 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 970]
    033 Rendering the Root Component and Strict Mode.en.srt [11k 814]
    033 Rendering the Root Component and Strict Mode.mkv [36m 530k 154]
    033 Rendering the Root Component and Strict Mode.ru.srt [17k 454]
    034 Before We Start Coding Debugging.en.srt [16k 922]
    034 Before We Start Coding Debugging.mkv [49m 872k 582]
    034 Before We Start Coding Debugging.ru.srt [24k 632]
    035 Components as Building Blocks.en.srt [7k 535]
    035 Components as Building Blocks.mkv [21m 202k 778]
    035 Components as Building Blocks.ru.srt [11k 687]
    036 Creating And Reusing a Component.en.srt [15k 611]
    036 Creating And Reusing a Component.mkv [54m 381k 726]
    036 Creating And Reusing a Component.ru.srt [22k 670]
    037 What is JSX.en.srt [9k 873]
    037 What is JSX.mkv [29m 44k 823]
    037 What is JSX.ru.srt [14k 862]
    038 Creating More Components.en.srt [12k 302]
    038 Creating More Components.mkv [46m 607k 620]
    038 Creating More Components.ru.srt [17k 843]
    039 JavaScript Logic in Components.en.srt [6k 753]
    039 JavaScript Logic in Components.mkv [25m 265k 266]
    039 JavaScript Logic in Components.ru.srt [9k 642]
    040 Separation of Concerns.en.srt [9k 474]
    040 Separation of Concerns.mkv [27m 603k 736]
    040 Separation of Concerns.ru.srt [13k 586]
    041 Styling React Applications.en.srt [19k 106]
    041 Styling React Applications.mkv [77m 361k 804]
    041 Styling React Applications.ru.srt [27k 615]
    042 Passing and Receiving Props.en.srt [13k 894]
    042 Passing and Receiving Props.mkv [51m 279k 904]
    042 Passing and Receiving Props.ru.srt [19k 832]
    043 Props, Immutability, and One Way Data Flow.en.srt [11k 273]
    043 Props, Immutability, and One Way Data Flow.mkv [30m 59k 660]
    043 Props, Immutability, and One Way Data Flow.ru.srt [17k 96]
    044 CHALLENGE #1 Profile Card v1.en.srt [25k 640]
    044 CHALLENGE #1 Profile Card v1.mkv [97m 654k 598]
    044 CHALLENGE #1 Profile Card v1.ru.srt [37k 424]
    045 The Rules of JSX.en.srt [5k 463]
    045 The Rules of JSX.mkv [16m 30k 875]
    045 The Rules of JSX.ru.srt [7k 972]
    046 Rendering Lists.en.srt [18k 163]
    046 Rendering Lists.mkv [64m 368k 845]
    046 Rendering Lists.ru.srt [26k 563]
    047 Conditional Rendering With &&.en.srt [14k 820]
    047 Conditional Rendering With &&.mkv [52m 935k 782]
    047 Conditional Rendering With &&.ru.srt [21k 468]
    048 Conditional Rendering With Ternaries.en.srt [7k 34]
    048 Conditional Rendering With Ternaries.mkv [28m 811k 194]
    048 Conditional Rendering With Ternaries.ru.srt [10k 87]
    049 Conditional Rendering With Multiple Returns.en.srt [8k 89]
    049 Conditional Rendering With Multiple Returns.mkv [31m 760k 736]
    049 Conditional Rendering With Multiple Returns.ru.srt [11k 959]
    050 Extracting JSX Into a New Component.en.srt [7k 319]
    050 Extracting JSX Into a New Component.mkv [25m 627k 51]
    050 Extracting JSX Into a New Component.ru.srt [10k 615]
    051 Destructuring Props.en.srt [7k 439]
    051 Destructuring Props.mkv [29m 36k 58]
    051 Destructuring Props.ru.srt [11k 0]
    052 React Fragments.en.srt [8k 922]
    052 React Fragments.mkv [33m 673k 448]
    052 React Fragments.ru.srt [12k 727]
    053 Setting Classes and Text Conditionally.en.srt [12k 486]
    053 Setting Classes and Text Conditionally.mkv [44m 491k 661]
    053 Setting Classes and Text Conditionally.ru.srt [17k 782]
    054 Section Summary.en.srt [8k 930]
    054 Section Summary.mkv [23m 94k 986]
    054 Section Summary.ru.srt [13k 283]
    055 CHALLENGE #2 Profile Card v2.en.srt [12k 282]
    055 CHALLENGE #2 Profile Card v2.mkv [47m 809k 407]
    055 CHALLENGE #2 Profile Card v2.ru.srt [17k 873]

    06 State, Events, and Forms Interactive Components
    013.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v1.html [130]
    020.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [124]
    020.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [126]
    021.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v2.html [130]
    056 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 534]
    056 Section Overview.mkv [4m 502k 257]
    056 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 254]
    057 Let's Build a Steps Component.en.srt [23k 390]
    057 Let's Build a Steps Component.mkv [64m 335k 936]
    057 Let's Build a Steps Component.ru.srt [32k 743]
    058 Handling Events the React Way.en.srt [11k 821]
    058 Handling Events the React Way.mkv [35m 518k 507]
    058 Handling Events the React Way.ru.srt [17k 420]
    059 What is State in React.en.srt [9k 670]
    059 What is State in React.mkv [26m 106k 789]
    059 What is State in React.ru.srt [14k 942]
    060 Creating a State Variable With useState.en.srt [14k 392]
    060 Creating a State Variable With useState.mkv [44m 668k 394]
    060 Creating a State Variable With useState.ru.srt [21k 793]
    061 Don't Set State Manually!.en.srt [8k 206]
    061 Don't Set State Manually!.mkv [26m 829k 922]
    061 Don't Set State Manually!.ru.srt [12k 497]
    062 The Mechanics of State.en.srt [7k 675]
    062 The Mechanics of State.mkv [24m 316k 608]
    062 The Mechanics of State.ru.srt [11k 520]
    063 Adding Another Piece of State.en.srt [14k 88]
    063 Adding Another Piece of State.mkv [46m 224k 345]
    063 Adding Another Piece of State.ru.srt [20k 807]
    064 React Developer Tools.en.srt [10k 580]
    064 React Developer Tools.mkv [28m 603k 853]
    064 React Developer Tools.ru.srt [16k 211]
    065 Updating State Based on Current State.en.srt [8k 518]
    065 Updating State Based on Current State.mkv [24m 775k 197]
    065 Updating State Based on Current State.ru.srt [12k 814]
    066 More Thoughts About State + State Guidelines.en.srt [10k 506]
    066 More Thoughts About State + State Guidelines.mkv [29m 153k 336]
    066 More Thoughts About State + State Guidelines.ru.srt [16k 331]
    067 A Vanilla JavaScript Implementation.en.srt [10k 629]
    067 A Vanilla JavaScript Implementation.mkv [36m 945k 974]
    067 A Vanilla JavaScript Implementation.ru.srt [15k 717]
    068 CHALLENGE #1 Date Counter v1.en.srt [20k 263]
    068 CHALLENGE #1 Date Counter v1.mkv [63m 960k 998]
    068 CHALLENGE #1 Date Counter v1.ru.srt [29k 449]
    069 Starting a New Project The Far Away Travel List.en.srt [6k 953]
    069 Starting a New Project The Far Away Travel List.mkv [17m 426k 625]
    069 Starting a New Project The Far Away Travel List.ru.srt [10k 515]
    070 Building the Layout.en.srt [13k 103]
    070 Building the Layout.mkv [39m 791k 823]
    070 Building the Layout.ru.srt [18k 641]
    071 Rendering the Items List.en.srt [13k 419]
    071 Rendering the Items List.mkv [44m 109k 989]
    071 Rendering the Items List.ru.srt [19k 733]
    072 Building a Form and Handling Submissions.en.srt [20k 70]
    072 Building a Form and Handling Submissions.mkv [65m 761k 342]
    072 Building a Form and Handling Submissions.ru.srt [29k 14]
    073 Controlled Element.en.srt [29k 733]
    073 Controlled Element.mkv [100m 661k 572]
    073 Controlled Element.ru.srt [44k 230]
    074 State vs Props.en.srt [5k 754]
    074 State vs Props.mkv [17m 170k 235]
    074 State vs Props.ru.srt [8k 846]
    075 EXERCISE #1 Flashcards.en.srt [21k 404]
    075 EXERCISE #1 Flashcards.mkv [71m 823k 255]
    075 EXERCISE #1 Flashcards.ru.srt [31k 379]
    076 CHALLENGE #2 Date Counter v2.en.srt [16k 122]
    076 CHALLENGE #2 Date Counter v2.mkv [51m 504k 70]
    076 CHALLENGE #2 Date Counter v2.ru.srt [23k 758]

    07 Thinking In React State Management
    013.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v1.html [126]
    013.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [125]
    016.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL v2.html [126]
    017.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [132]
    077 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 349]
    077 Section Overview.mkv [4m 343k 124]
    077 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 141]
    078 What is Thinking in React.en.srt [7k 944]
    078 What is Thinking in React.mkv [21m 798k 540]
    078 What is Thinking in React.ru.srt [11k 895]
    079 Fundamentals of State Management.en.srt [15k 662]
    079 Fundamentals of State Management.mkv [41m 792k 241]
    079 Fundamentals of State Management.ru.srt [23k 851]
    080 Thinking About State and Lifting State Up.en.srt [24k 438]
    080 Thinking About State and Lifting State Up.mkv [82m 94k 998]
    080 Thinking About State and Lifting State Up.ru.srt [36k 808]
    081 Reviewing Lifting Up State.en.srt [10k 280]
    081 Reviewing Lifting Up State.mkv [28m 845k 512]
    081 Reviewing Lifting Up State.ru.srt [15k 219]
    082 Deleting an Item More Child to Parent Communication!.en.srt [12k 878]
    082 Deleting an Item More Child to Parent Communication!.mkv [48m 34k 796]
    082 Deleting an Item More Child to Parent Communication!.ru.srt [19k 829]
    083 Updating an Item Complex Immutable Data Operation.en.srt [12k 182]
    083 Updating an Item Complex Immutable Data Operation.mkv [44m 533k 983]
    083 Updating an Item Complex Immutable Data Operation.ru.srt [17k 670]
    084 Derived State.en.srt [4k 845]
    084 Derived State.mkv [14m 673k 798]
    084 Derived State.ru.srt [7k 471]
    085 Calculating Statistics as Derived State.en.srt [16k 535]
    085 Calculating Statistics as Derived State.mkv [62m 771k 431]
    085 Calculating Statistics as Derived State.ru.srt [24k 220]
    086 Sorting Items.en.srt [16k 995]
    086 Sorting Items.mkv [58m 72k 99]
    086 Sorting Items.ru.srt [25k 487]
    087 Clearing the List.en.srt [7k 884]
    087 Clearing the List.mkv [32m 464k 403]
    087 Clearing the List.ru.srt [11k 331]
    088 Moving Components Into Separate Files.en.srt [13k 880]
    088 Moving Components Into Separate Files.mkv [51m 318k 973]
    088 Moving Components Into Separate Files.ru.srt [20k 641]
    089 EXERCISE #1 Accordion Component v1.en.srt [21k 448]
    089 EXERCISE #1 Accordion Component v1.mkv [70m 659k 272]
    089 EXERCISE #1 Accordion Component v1.ru.srt [31k 25]
    090 The children Prop Making a Reusable Button.en.srt [25k 180]
    090 The children Prop Making a Reusable Button.mkv [75m 399k 249]
    090 The children Prop Making a Reusable Button.ru.srt [36k 65]
    091 More Reusability With the children Prop.en.srt [12k 474]
    091 More Reusability With the children Prop.mkv [43m 936k 450]
    091 More Reusability With the children Prop.ru.srt [17k 973]
    092 EXERCISE #2 Accordion Component v2.en.srt [15k 53]
    092 EXERCISE #2 Accordion Component v2.mkv [52m 695k 61]
    092 EXERCISE #2 Accordion Component v2.ru.srt [21k 687]
    093 CHALLENGE #1 Tip Calculator.en.srt [30k 373]
    093 CHALLENGE #1 Tip Calculator.mkv [114m 412k 342]
    093 CHALLENGE #1 Tip Calculator.ru.srt [43k 120]

    08 [Optional] Practice Project Eat-'N-Split
    094 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 349]
    094 Section Overview.mkv [3m 788k 759]
    094 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 982]
    095 Project Setup.en.srt [6k 354]
    095 Project Setup.mkv [15m 535k 53]
    095 Project Setup.ru.srt [9k 196]
    096 Building the Static App List of Friends.en.srt [17k 297]
    096 Building the Static App List of Friends.mkv [55m 272k 271]
    096 Building the Static App List of Friends.ru.srt [24k 449]
    097 Building the Static App Forms.en.srt [13k 176]
    097 Building the Static App Forms.mkv [48m 489k 46]
    097 Building the Static App Forms.ru.srt [18k 965]
    098 Displaying the New Friend Form.en.srt [9k 945]
    098 Displaying the New Friend Form.mkv [35m 164k 554]
    098 Displaying the New Friend Form.ru.srt [14k 427]
    099 Adding a New Friend.en.srt [29k 388]
    099 Adding a New Friend.mkv [99m 788k 93]
    099 Adding a New Friend.ru.srt [43k 133]
    100 Selecting a Friend.en.srt [23k 443]
    100 Selecting a Friend.mkv [80m 918k 545]
    100 Selecting a Friend.ru.srt [33k 993]
    101 Creating Controlled Elements.en.srt [15k 81]
    101 Creating Controlled Elements.mkv [53m 547k 963]
    101 Creating Controlled Elements.ru.srt [22k 131]
    102 Splitting a Bill.en.srt [19k 892]
    102 Splitting a Bill.mkv [68m 702k 454]
    102 Splitting a Bill.ru.srt [28k 646]

    002 Useful Resources for Part 2.html [3k 647]
    103 Introduction to Part 2.ru.srt [2k 700]
    103 Introduction to Part 2.en.srt [1k 845]
    103 Introduction to Part 2.mkv [19m 406k 496]

    10 Thinking in React Components, Composition, and Reusability
    017.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [128]
    017.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [130]
    105 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 439]
    105 Section Overview.mkv [4m 668k 878]
    105 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 107]
    106 Setting Up the usePopcorn Project.en.srt [7k 25]
    106 Setting Up the usePopcorn Project.mkv [16m 963k 96]
    106 Setting Up the usePopcorn Project.ru.srt [10k 378]
    107 How to Split a UI Into Components.en.srt [20k 553]
    107 How to Split a UI Into Components.mkv [56m 436k 305]
    107 How to Split a UI Into Components.ru.srt [30k 522]
    108 Splitting Components in Practice.en.srt [37k 532]
    108 Splitting Components in Practice.mkv [137m 90k 204]
    108 Splitting Components in Practice.ru.srt [53k 642]
    109 Component Categories.en.srt [4k 316]
    109 Component Categories.mkv [11m 745k 97]
    109 Component Categories.ru.srt [6k 332]
    110 Prop Drilling.en.srt [11k 818]
    110 Prop Drilling.mkv [43m 539k 153]
    110 Prop Drilling.ru.srt [17k 182]
    111 Component Composition.en.srt [7k 599]
    111 Component Composition.mkv [21m 522k 518]
    111 Component Composition.ru.srt [11k 120]
    112 Fixing Prop Drilling With Composition And Building a Layout.en.srt [14k 244]
    112 Fixing Prop Drilling With Composition And Building a Layout.mkv [47m 789k 592]
    112 Fixing Prop Drilling With Composition And Building a Layout.ru.srt [20k 905]
    113 Using Composition to Make a Reusable Box.en.srt [10k 41]
    113 Using Composition to Make a Reusable Box.mkv [38m 486k 383]
    113 Using Composition to Make a Reusable Box.ru.srt [14k 496]
    114 Passing Elements as Props Alternative to children.en.srt [7k 495]
    114 Passing Elements as Props Alternative to children.mkv [23m 699k 66]
    114 Passing Elements as Props Alternative to children.ru.srt [10k 912]
    115 Building a Reusable Star Rating Component.en.srt [17k 333]
    115 Building a Reusable Star Rating Component.mkv [56m 423k 978]
    115 Building a Reusable Star Rating Component.ru.srt [25k 123]
    116 Creating the Stars.en.srt [19k 348]
    116 Creating the Stars.mkv [71m 647k 692]
    116 Creating the Stars.ru.srt [27k 552]
    117 Handling Hover Events.en.srt [11k 59]
    117 Handling Hover Events.mkv [40m 901k 719]
    117 Handling Hover Events.ru.srt [16k 87]
    118 Props as a Component API.en.srt [6k 933]
    118 Props as a Component API.mkv [18m 943k 92]
    118 Props as a Component API.ru.srt [10k 83]
    119 Improving Reusability With Props.en.srt [29k 823]
    119 Improving Reusability With Props.mkv [94m 615k 587]
    119 Improving Reusability With Props.ru.srt [43k 379]
    120 PropTypes.en.srt [11k 334]
    120 PropTypes.mkv [38m 195k 986]
    120 PropTypes.ru.srt [16k 762]
    121 CHALLENGE #1 Text Expander Component.en.srt [27k 959]
    121 CHALLENGE #1 Text Expander Component.mkv [106m 711k 969]
    121 CHALLENGE 1 Text Expander Component.ru.srt [39k 938]

    11 How React Works Behind the Scenes
    122 Section Overview.en.srt [2k 813]
    122 Section Overview.mkv [9m 577k 114]
    122 Section Overview.ru.srt [4k 70]
    123 Project Setup and Walkthrough.en.srt [17k 846]
    123 Project Setup and Walkthrough.mkv [64m 850k 747]
    123 Project Setup and Walkthrough.ru.srt [25k 934]
    124 Components Instances and Elements.ru.srt [11k 31]
    124 Components, Instances, and Elements.en.srt [7k 549]
    124 Components, Instances, and Elements.mkv [21m 3k 326]
    125 Instances and Elements in Practice.en.srt [12k 62]
    125 Instances and Elements in Practice.mkv [42m 366k 92]
    125 Instances and Elements in Practice.ru.srt [17k 741]
    126 How Rendering Works Overview.en.srt [10k 959]
    126 How Rendering Works Overview.mkv [28m 723k 349]
    126 How Rendering Works Overview.ru.srt [15k 650]
    127 How Rendering Works The Render Phase.en.srt [28k 674]
    127 How Rendering Works The Render Phase.mkv [79m 91k 488]
    127 How Rendering Works The Render Phase.ru.srt [41k 471]
    128 How Rendering Works The Commit Phase.en.srt [18k 404]
    128 How Rendering Works The Commit Phase.mkv [48m 928k 421]
    128 How Rendering Works The Commit Phase.ru.srt [26k 803]
    129 How Diffing Works.en.srt [9k 350]
    129 How Diffing Works.mkv [26m 133k 345]
    129 How Diffing Works.ru.srt [12k 948]
    130 Diffing Rules in Practice.en.srt [8k 528]
    130 Diffing Rules in Practice.mkv [26m 254k 591]
    130 Diffing Rules in Practice.ru.srt [12k 302]
    131 The Key Prop.en.srt [12k 611]
    131 The Key Prop.mkv [32m 649k 453]
    131 The Key Prop.ru.srt [18k 7]
    132 Resetting State With the Key Prop.en.srt [6k 124]
    132 Resetting State With the Key Prop.mkv [21m 918k 764]
    132 Resetting State With the Key Prop.ru.srt [9k 144]
    133 Using the Key Prop to Fix Our Eat 'N Split App.en.srt [6k 383]
    133 Using the Key Prop to Fix Our Eat 'N Split App.mkv [23m 16k 932]
    133 Using the Key Prop to Fix Our Eat N Split App.ru.srt [9k 298]
    134 Rules for Render Logic Pure Components.en.srt [15k 189]
    134 Rules for Render Logic Pure Components.mkv [42m 195k 520]
    134 Rules for Render Logic Pure Components.ru.srt [22k 69]
    135 State Update Batching.en.srt [14k 687]
    135 State Update Batching.mkv [39m 476k 557]
    135 State Update Batching.ru.srt [21k 784]
    136 State Update Batching in Practice.en.srt [24k 264]
    136 State Update Batching in Practice.mkv [81m 918k 855]
    136 State Update Batching in Practice.ru.srt [35k 86]
    137 How Events Work in React.en.srt [22k 552]
    137 How Events Work in React.mkv [61m 76k 145]
    137 How Events Work in React.ru.srt [32k 812]
    138 Libraries vs Frameworks The React Ecosystem.ru.srt [23k 630]
    138 Libraries vs Frameworks & The React Ecosystem.en.srt [16k 28]
    138 Libraries vs Frameworks & The React Ecosystem.mkv [44m 931k 534]
    139 Section Summary Practical Takeaways.en.srt [16k 181]
    139 Section Summary Practical Takeaways.mkv [50m 546k 59]
    139 Section Summary Practical Takeaways.ru.srt [23k 934]

    12 Effects and Data Fetching
    019.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [133]
    019.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [135]
    140 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 253]
    140 Section Overview.mkv [4m 446k 35]
    140 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 894]
    141 The Component Lifecycle.en.srt [6k 808]
    141 The Component Lifecycle.mkv [17m 927k 444]
    141 The Component Lifecycle.ru.srt [9k 980]
    142 How NOT to Fetch Data in React.en.srt [16k 163]
    142 How NOT to Fetch Data in React.mkv [55m 673k 169]
    142 How NOT to Fetch Data in React.ru.srt [23k 848]
    143 useEffect to the Rescue.en.srt [7k 390]
    143 useEffect to the Rescue.mkv [26m 537k 509]
    143 useEffect to the Rescue.ru.srt [11k 302]
    144 A First Look at Effects.en.srt [10k 189]
    144 A First Look at Effects.mkv [29m 752k 199]
    144 A First Look at Effects.ru.srt [15k 361]
    145 Using an async Function.en.srt [8k 591]
    145 Using an async Function.mkv [31m 592k 213]
    145 Using an async Function.ru.srt [12k 652]
    146 Adding a Loading State.en.srt [5k 943]
    146 Adding a Loading State.mkv [22m 643k 817]
    146 Adding a Loading State.ru.srt [8k 697]
    147 Handling Errors.en.srt [20k 80]
    147 Handling Errors.mkv [73m 102k 723]
    147 Handling Errors.ru.srt [28k 326]
    148 The useEffect Dependency Array.en.srt [19k 359]
    148 The useEffect Dependency Array.mkv [53m 536k 582]
    148 The useEffect Dependency Array.ru.srt [28k 449]
    149 Synchronizing Queries With Movie Data.en.srt [23k 512]
    149 Synchronizing Queries With Movie Data.mkv [85m 282k 67]
    149 Synchronizing Queries With Movie Data.ru.srt [33k 661]
    150 Selecting a Movie.en.srt [20k 143]
    150 Selecting a Movie.mkv [87m 988k 258]
    150 Selecting a Movie.ru.srt [29k 12]
    151 Loading Movie Details.en.srt [25k 573]
    151 Loading Movie Details.mkv [112m 401k 323]
    151 Loading Movie Details.ru.srt [36k 32]
    152 Adding a Watched Movie.en.srt [37k 845]
    152 Adding a Watched Movie.mkv [171m 214k 499]
    152 Adding a Watched Movie.ru.srt [53k 790]
    153 Adding a New Effect Changing Page Title.en.srt [13k 194]
    153 Adding a New Effect Changing Page Title.ru.srt [19k 208]
    153 Adding a New Effect Changing Page Title.mkv [52m 691k 16]
    154 The useEffect Cleanup Function.en.srt [6k 663]
    154 The useEffect Cleanup Function.mkv [20m 113k 11]
    154 The useEffect Cleanup Function.ru.srt [9k 869]
    155 Cleaning Up the Title.en.srt [8k 445]
    155 Cleaning Up the Title.mkv [28m 137k 986]
    155 Cleaning Up the Title.ru.srt [12k 157]
    156 Cleaning Up Data Fetching.en.srt [16k 581]
    156 Cleaning Up Data Fetching.mkv [57m 124k 824]
    156 Cleaning Up Data Fetching.ru.srt [23k 465]
    157 One More Effect Listening to a Keypress.en.srt [21k 931]
    157 One More Effect Listening to a Keypress.mkv [81m 47k 118]
    157 One More Effect Listening to a Keypress.ru.srt [31k 492]
    158 CHALLENGE #1 Currency Converter.en.srt [24k 493]
    158 CHALLENGE #1 Currency Converter.mkv [90m 553k 862]
    158 CHALLENGE 1 Currency Converter.ru.srt [35k 110]

    13 Custom Hooks, Refs, and More State
    015.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [129]
    015.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [131]
    159 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 282]
    159 Section Overview.mkv [4m 478k 679]
    159 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 35]
    160 React Hooks and Their Rules.en.srt [17k 96]
    160 React Hooks and Their Rules.mkv [45m 518k 502]
    160 React Hooks and Their Rules.ru.srt [25k 279]
    161 The Rules of Hooks in Practice.en.srt [12k 949]
    161 The Rules of Hooks in Practice.mkv [53m 349k 384]
    161 The Rules of Hooks in Practice.ru.srt [18k 460]
    162 More Details of useState.en.srt [18k 40]
    162 More Details of useState.mkv [70m 548k 238]
    162 More Details of useState.ru.srt [26k 280]
    163 Initializing State With a Callback Lazy Initial State.en.srt [21k 456]
    163 Initializing State With a Callback Lazy Initial State.mkv [72m 733k 706]
    163 Initializing State With a Callback Lazy Initial State.ru.srt [31k 979]
    164 useState Summary.en.srt [4k 935]
    164 useState Summary.mkv [14m 132k 733]
    164 useState Summary.ru.srt [7k 463]
    165 How NOT to Select DOM Elements in React.en.srt [5k 451]
    165 How NOT to Select DOM Elements in React.mkv [18m 915k 542]
    165 How NOT to Select DOM Elements in React.ru.srt [8k 185]
    166 Introducing Another Hook useRef.en.srt [8k 359]
    166 Introducing Another Hook useRef.mkv [23m 975k 257]
    166 Introducing Another Hook useRef.ru.srt [12k 192]
    167 Refs to Select DOM Elements.en.srt [15k 362]
    167 Refs to Select DOM Elements.mkv [56m 307k 55]
    167 Refs to Select DOM Elements.ru.srt [22k 508]
    168 Refs to Persist Data Between Renders.en.srt [15k 638]
    168 Refs to Persist Data Between Renders.mkv [62m 967k 276]
    168 Refs to Persist Data Between Renders.ru.srt [22k 540]
    169 What are Custom Hooks When to Create One.en.srt [6k 529]
    169 What are Custom Hooks When to Create One.mkv [19m 662k 714]
    169 What are Custom Hooks When to Create One.ru.srt [10k 297]
    170 Creating our First Custom Hook useMovies.en.srt [20k 367]
    170 Creating our First Custom Hook useMovies.mkv [77m 218k 152]
    170 Creating our First Custom Hook useMovies.ru.srt [29k 930]
    171 Creating useLocalStorageState.en.srt [13k 555]
    171 Creating useLocalStorageState.mkv [55m 35k 642]
    171 Creating useLocalStorageState.ru.srt [20k 212]
    172 Creating useKey.en.srt [12k 599]
    172 Creating useKey.mkv [49m 880k 882]
    172 Creating useKey.ru.srt [18k 608]
    173 CHALLENGE #1 useGeolocate.en.srt [11k 646]
    173 CHALLENGE #1 useGeolocate.ru.srt [16k 678]
    173 CHALLENGE #1 useGeolocate.mkv [46m 428k 459]

    14 [Optional] React Before Hooks Class-Based React
    174 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 922]
    174 Section Overview.mkv [5m 230k 802]
    174 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 766]
    175 Our First Class Component.en.srt [14k 230]
    175 Our First Class Component.mkv [41m 602k 306]
    175 Our First Class Component.ru.srt [20k 559]
    176 Working With Event Handlers.en.srt [15k 853]
    176 Working With Event Handlers.mkv [49m 5k 17]
    176 Working With Event Handlers.ru.srt [23k 463]
    177 Class Components vs Function Components.en.srt [8k 936]
    177 Class Components vs Function Components.mkv [25m 783k 478]
    177 Class Components vs Function Components.ru.srt [13k 460]
    178 Starting the Classy Weather App.en.srt [11k 532]
    178 Starting the Classy Weather App.mkv [37m 997k 389]
    178 Starting the Classy Weather App.ru.srt [16k 706]
    179 Fetching Weather Data.en.srt [14k 629]
    179 Fetching Weather Data.mkv [59m 588k 917]
    179 Fetching Weather Data.ru.srt [21k 130]
    180 Displaying the Weather.en.srt [21k 238]
    180 Displaying the Weather.mkv [77m 375k 306]
    180 Displaying the Weather.ru.srt [30k 195]
    181 Removing Boilerplate Code With Class Fields.en.srt [6k 333]
    181 Removing Boilerplate Code With Class Fields.mkv [24m 494k 936]
    181 Removing Boilerplate Code With Class Fields.ru.srt [9k 407]
    182 Child to Parent Communication.en.srt [6k 156]
    182 Child to Parent Communication.mkv [29m 122k 875]
    182 Child to Parent Communication.ru.srt [9k 69]
    183 Lifecycle Methods.en.srt [24k 994]
    183 Lifecycle Methods.mkv [85m 439k 12]
    183 Lifecycle Methods.ru.srt [36k 456]

    002 Useful Resources for Part 3.html [3k 479]
    184 Introduction to Part 3.en.srt [1k 618]
    184 Introduction to Part 3.mkv [20m 421k 911]
    184 Introduction to Part 3.ru.srt [2k 541]

    16 The Advanced useReducer Hook
    017.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [130]
    017.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [132]
    186 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 524]
    186 Section Overview.mkv [4m 403k 881]
    186 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 176]
    187 Yet Another Hook useReducer.en.srt [26k 909]
    187 Yet Another Hook useReducer.mkv [89m 577k 166]
    187 Yet Another Hook useReducer.ru.srt [38k 871]
    188 Managing Related Pieces of State.en.srt [18k 141]
    188 Managing Related Pieces of State.mkv [66m 291k 205]
    188 Managing Related Pieces of State.ru.srt [25k 884]
    189 Managing State With useReducer.en.srt [22k 532]
    189 Managing State With useReducer.mkv [61m 367k 390]
    189 Managing State With useReducer.ru.srt [32k 682]
    190 The React Quiz App.en.srt [12k 518]
    190 The React Quiz App.mkv [39m 662k 471]
    190 The React Quiz App.ru.srt [17k 796]
    191 Loading Questions from a Fake API.en.srt [27k 908]
    191 Loading Questions from a Fake API.mkv [97m 445k 394]
    191 Loading Questions from a Fake API.ru.srt [40k 61]
    192 Handling Loading Error and Ready Status.ru.srt [19k 453]
    192 Handling Loading, Error, and Ready Status.en.srt [13k 536]
    192 Handling Loading, Error, and Ready Status.mkv [50m 226k 438]
    193 Starting a New Quiz.en.srt [7k 154]
    193 Starting a New Quiz.mkv [26m 597k 636]
    193 Starting a New Quiz.ru.srt [10k 406]
    194 Displaying Questions.en.srt [11k 501]
    194 Displaying Questions.mkv [42m 976k 726]
    194 Displaying Questions.ru.srt [16k 150]
    195 Handling New Answers.en.srt [24k 708]
    195 Handling New Answers.mkv [94m 41k 434]
    195 Handling New Answers.ru.srt [34k 957]
    196 Moving to the Next Question.en.srt [9k 351]
    196 Moving to the Next Question.mkv [35m 763k 252]
    196 Moving to the Next Question.ru.srt [13k 297]
    197 Displaying Progress.en.srt [13k 491]
    197 Displaying Progress.mkv [47m 217k 455]
    197 Displaying Progress.ru.srt [19k 57]
    198 Finishing a Quiz.en.srt [20k 987]
    198 Finishing a Quiz.mkv [81m 769k 713]
    198 Finishing a Quiz.ru.srt [29k 951]
    199 Restarting a Quiz.en.srt [10k 611]
    199 Restarting a Quiz.mkv [40m 993k 17]
    199 Restarting a Quiz.ru.srt [15k 319]
    200 Setting Up a Timer With useEffect.en.srt [30k 966]
    200 Setting Up a Timer With useEffect.mkv [110m 642k 235]
    200 Setting Up a Timer With useEffect.ru.srt [44k 768]
    201 Section Summary useState vs useReducer.en.srt [9k 231]
    201 Section Summary useState vs useReducer.mkv [25m 370k 525]
    201 Section Summary useState vs useReducer.ru.srt [13k 600]
    202 CHALLENGE #1 Creating a Bank Account With useReducer.en.srt [29k 415]
    202 CHALLENGE #1 Creating a Bank Account With useReducer.mkv [112m 535k 706]
    202 CHALLENGE #1 Creating a Bank Account With useReducer.ru.srt [42k 501]

    17 React Router Building Single-Page Applications (SPA)
    203 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 421]
    203 Section Overview.mkv [5m 196k 739]
    203 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 191]
    204 Creating Our First App With Vite WorldWise.en.srt [25k 191]
    204 Creating Our First App With Vite WorldWise.mkv [76m 895k 537]
    204 Creating Our First App With Vite WorldWise.ru.srt [35k 817]
    205 Routing and Single Page Applications SPAs.en.srt [10k 447]
    205 Routing and Single Page Applications SPAs.mkv [27m 902k 431]
    205 Routing and Single Page Applications SPAs.ru.srt [15k 784]
    206 Implementing Main Pages and Routes.en.srt [18k 785]
    206 Implementing Main Pages and Routes.mkv [59m 570k 713]
    206 Implementing Main Pages and Routes.ru.srt [27k 603]
    207 Linking Between Routes With Link and NavLink.en.srt [14k 14]
    207 Linking Between Routes With Link and NavLink.mkv [51m 667k 883]
    207 Linking Between Routes With Link and NavLink.ru.srt [20k 632]
    208 Styling Options For React Applications.en.srt [9k 52]
    208 Styling Options For React Applications.mkv [24m 332k 287]
    208 Styling Options For React Applications.ru.srt [13k 320]
    209 Using CSS Modules.en.srt [25k 113]
    209 Using CSS Modules.mkv [84m 258k 442]
    209 Using CSS Modules.ru.srt [36k 122]
    210 Building the Pages.en.srt [25k 831]
    210 Building the Pages.mkv [81m 329k 816]
    210 Building the Pages.ru.srt [36k 974]
    211 Building the App Layout.en.srt [12k 765]
    211 Building the App Layout.mkv [48m 48k 834]
    211 Building the App Layout.ru.srt [18k 168]
    212 Nested Routes and Index Route.en.srt [20k 484]
    212 Nested Routes and Index Route.mkv [77m 288k 366]
    212 Nested Routes and Index Route.ru.srt [30k 488]
    213 Implementing the Cities List.en.srt [25k 564]
    213 Implementing the Cities List.mkv [116m 455k 708]
    213 Implementing the Cities List.ru.srt [36k 110]
    214 Implementing the Countries List.en.srt [16k 556]
    214 Implementing the Countries List.mkv [69m 543k 323]
    214 Implementing the Countries List.ru.srt [22k 748]
    215 Storing State in the URL.en.srt [8k 359]
    215 Storing State in the URL.mkv [25m 464k 26]
    215 Storing State in the URL.ru.srt [12k 583]
    216 Dynamic Routes With URL Parameters.en.srt [15k 323]
    216 Dynamic Routes With URL Parameters.mkv [66m 530k 470]
    216 Dynamic Routes With URL Parameters.ru.srt [22k 632]
    217 Reading and Setting a Query String.en.srt [15k 811]
    217 Reading and Setting a Query String.mkv [59m 211k 932]
    217 Reading and Setting a Query String.ru.srt [22k 566]
    218 Programmatic Navigation with useNavigate.en.srt [17k 914]
    218 Programmatic Navigation with useNavigate.mkv [68m 650k 319]
    218 Programmatic Navigation with useNavigate.ru.srt [25k 974]
    219 Programmatic Navigation with Navigate.en.srt [6k 766]
    219 Programmatic Navigation with Navigate.mkv [24m 981k 706]
    219 Programmatic Navigation with Navigate.ru.srt [10k 23]

    18 Advanced State Management The Context API
    014.1 useGeolocation CodeSandbox link.html [129]
    220 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 496]
    220 Section Overview.mkv [5m 52k 151]
    220 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 42]
    221 CHALLENGE #1 Understand The Atomic Blog App.en.srt [6k 805]
    221 CHALLENGE #1 Understand The Atomic Blog App.mkv [21m 886k 693]
    221 CHALLENGE #1 Understand The Atomic Blog App.ru.srt [9k 587]
    222 What is the Context API.en.srt [8k 201]
    222 What is the Context API.mkv [22m 877k 858]
    222 What is the Context API.ru.srt [12k 92]
    223 Creating and Providing a Context.en.srt [14k 607]
    223 Creating and Providing a Context.mkv [59m 346k 692]
    223 Creating and Providing a Context.ru.srt [21k 296]
    224 Consuming the Context.en.srt [16k 92]
    224 Consuming the Context.mkv [65m 998k 690]
    224 Consuming the Context.ru.srt [23k 506]
    225 Advanced Pattern A Custom Provider and Hook.en.srt [24k 561]
    225 Advanced Pattern A Custom Provider and Hook.mkv [96m 709k 243]
    225 Advanced Pattern A Custom Provider and Hook.ru.srt [35k 938]
    226 Thinking In React Advanced State Management.en.srt [18k 163]
    226 Thinking In React Advanced State Management.mkv [48m 323k 974]
    226 Thinking In React Advanced State Management.ru.srt [28k 417]
    227 Back to WorldWise Creating a CitiesContext.en.srt [12k 881]
    227 Back to WorldWise Creating a CitiesContext.mkv [53m 520k 666]
    227 Back to WorldWise Creating a CitiesContext.ru.srt [18k 310]
    228 Consuming the CitiesContext.en.srt [6k 321]
    228 Consuming the CitiesContext.mkv [26m 373k 554]
    228 Consuming the CitiesContext.ru.srt [9k 111]
    229 Finishing the City View.en.srt [26k 988]
    229 Finishing the City View.mkv [114m 592k 490]
    229 Finishing the City View.ru.srt [39k 336]
    230 Including a Map With the Leaflet Library.en.srt [14k 132]
    230 Including a Map With the Leaflet Library.mkv [69m 140k 24]
    230 Including a Map With the Leaflet Library.ru.srt [20k 296]
    231 Displaying City Markers on Map.en.srt [8k 873]
    231 Displaying City Markers on Map.mkv [53m 478k 560]
    231 Displaying City Markers on Map.ru.srt [12k 877]
    232 Interacting With the Map.en.srt [20k 512]
    232 Interacting With the Map.mkv [95m 41k 851]
    232 Interacting With the Map.ru.srt [29k 510]
    233 Setting Map Position With Geolocation.en.srt [17k 376]
    233 Setting Map Position With Geolocation.mkv [76m 879k 635]
    233 Setting Map Position With Geolocation.ru.srt [25k 270]
    234 Fetching City Data in the Form.en.srt [25k 635]
    234 Fetching City Data in the Form.mkv [126m 654k 144]
    234 Fetching City Data in the Form.ru.srt [36k 291]
    235 Creating a New City.en.srt [35k 55]
    235 Creating a New City.mkv [169m 550k 320]
    235 Creating a New City.ru.srt [49k 376]
    236 Deleting a City.en.srt [7k 945]
    236 Deleting a City.mkv [39m 970k 982]
    236 Deleting a City.ru.srt [11k 143]
    237 Advanced State Management System Context + useReducer.en.srt [33k 54]
    237 Advanced State Management System Context + useReducer.mkv [174m 315k 902]
    237 Advanced State Management System Context + useReducer.ru.srt [46k 721]
    238 Adding Fake Authentication Setting Up Context.en.srt [17k 73]
    238 Adding Fake Authentication Setting Up Context.mkv [66m 794k 253]
    238 Adding Fake Authentication Setting Up Context.ru.srt [25k 121]
    239 Adding Fake Authentication Implementing Login.en.srt [25k 315]
    239 Adding Fake Authentication Implementing Login.mkv [111m 464k 525]
    239 Adding Fake Authentication Implementing Login.ru.srt [37k 300]
    240 Adding Fake Authentication Protecting a Route.en.srt [17k 400]
    240 Adding Fake Authentication Protecting a Route.mkv [75m 952k 845]
    240 Adding Fake Authentication Protecting a Route.ru.srt [25k 42]
    241 CHALLENGE #2 Refactoring React Quiz to Context API.en.srt [13k 874]
    241 CHALLENGE #2 Refactoring React Quiz to Context API.mkv [49m 290k 679]
    241 CHALLENGE #2 Refactoring React Quiz to Context API.ru.srt [19k 928]

    19 Performance Optimization and Advanced useEffect
    242 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 490]
    242 Section Overview.mkv [5m 8k 661]
    242 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 322]
    243 Performance Optimization and Wasted Renders.en.srt [9k 942]
    243 Performance Optimization and Wasted Renders.mkv [25m 682k 901]
    243 Performance Optimization and Wasted Renders.ru.srt [14k 965]
    244 The Profiler Developer Tool.en.srt [13k 644]
    244 The Profiler Developer Tool.mkv [48m 273k 289]
    244 The Profiler Developer Tool.ru.srt [20k 402]
    245 A Surprising Optimization Trick With children.en.srt [18k 585]
    245 A Surprising Optimization Trick With children.mkv [69m 847k 755]
    245 A Surprising Optimization Trick With children.ru.srt [26k 345]
    246 Understanding memo.en.srt [8k 534]
    246 Understanding memo.mkv [24m 78k 139]
    246 Understanding memo.ru.srt [12k 711]
    247 memo in Practice.en.srt [19k 899]
    247 memo in Practice.mkv [90m 124k 374]
    247 memo in Practice.ru.srt [28k 804]
    248 Understanding useMemo and useCallback.en.srt [10k 538]
    248 Understanding useMemo and useCallback.mkv [29m 287k 248]
    248 Understanding useMemo and useCallback.ru.srt [15k 900]
    249 useMemo in Practice.en.srt [13k 449]
    249 useMemo in Practice.mkv [54m 218k 778]
    249 useMemo in Practice.ru.srt [19k 376]
    250 useCallback in Practice.en.srt [15k 863]
    250 useCallback in Practice.mkv [64m 493k 758]
    250 useCallback in Practice.ru.srt [23k 713]
    251 Optimizing Context Re Renders.en.srt [22k 772]
    251 Optimizing Context Re Renders.mkv [90m 214k 831]
    251 Optimizing Context Re Renders.ru.srt [33k 211]
    252 Back to The WorldWise App.en.srt [19k 476]
    252 Back to The WorldWise App.mkv [82m 478k 321]
    252 Back to The WorldWise App.ru.srt [28k 136]
    253 Optimizing Bundle Size With Code Splitting.en.srt [24k 589]
    253 Optimizing Bundle Size With Code Splitting.mkv [100m 41k 298]
    253 Optimizing Bundle Size With Code Splitting.ru.srt [35k 335]
    254 Don't Optimize Prematurely!.en.srt [4k 286]
    254 Don't Optimize Prematurely!.mkv [13m 178k 217]
    254 Dont Optimize Prematurely.ru.srt [6k 536]
    255 useEffect Rules and Best Practices.en.srt [16k 43]
    255 useEffect Rules and Best Practices.mkv [41m 448k 673]
    255 useEffect Rules and Best Practices.ru.srt [23k 848]
    256 CHALLENGE #1 Fix Performance Issues in Workout Timer.en.srt [18k 865]
    256 CHALLENGE #1 Fix Performance Issues in Workout Timer.mkv [67m 186k 944]
    256 CHALLENGE #1 Fix Performance Issues in Workout Timer.ru.srt [27k 601]
    257 Setting State Based on Other State Updates.en.srt [17k 207]
    257 Setting State Based on Other State Updates.mkv [69m 609k 379]
    257 Setting State Based on Other State Updates.ru.srt [25k 620]
    258 Using Helper Functions In Effects.en.srt [23k 227]
    258 Using Helper Functions In Effects.mkv [82m 594k 531]
    258 Using Helper Functions In Effects.ru.srt [34k 291]
    259 Closures in Effects.en.srt [15k 219]
    259 Closures in Effects.mkv [52m 291k 654]
    259 Closures in Effects.ru.srt [22k 127]

    20 Redux and Modern Redux Toolkit (With Thunks)
    260 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 530]
    260 Section Overview.mkv [4m 613k 473]
    260 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 174]
    261 Introduction to Redux.en.srt [18k 909]
    261 Introduction to Redux.mkv [52m 91k 886]
    261 Introduction to Redux.ru.srt [27k 936]
    262 Creating a Reducer Bank Account.en.srt [15k 625]
    262 Creating a Reducer Bank Account.mkv [50m 183k 38]
    262 Creating a Reducer Bank Account.ru.srt [21k 875]
    263 Creating a Redux Store.en.srt [14k 379]
    263 Creating a Redux Store.mkv [49m 93k 852]
    263 Creating a Redux Store.ru.srt [20k 245]
    264 Working With Action Creators.en.srt [8k 755]
    264 Working With Action Creators.mkv [34m 493k 910]
    264 Working With Action Creators.ru.srt [12k 404]
    265 Adding More State Customer.en.srt [17k 256]
    265 Adding More State Customer.mkv [71m 721k 163]
    265 Adding More State Customer.ru.srt [24k 491]
    266 Professional Redux File Structure State Slices.en.srt [17k 290]
    266 Professional Redux File Structure State Slices.mkv [69m 149k 220]
    266 Professional Redux File Structure State Slices.ru.srt [24k 317]
    267 Back to React Connecting our Redux App With React.ru.srt [12k 169]
    267 Back to React! Connecting our Redux App With React.en.srt [8k 610]
    267 Back to React! Connecting our Redux App With React.mkv [28m 215k 213]
    268 Dispatching Actions from Our React App.en.srt [25k 278]
    268 Dispatching Actions from Our React App.mkv [103m 568k 19]
    268 Dispatching Actions from Our React App.ru.srt [35k 497]
    269 The Legacy Way of Connecting Components to Redux.en.srt [7k 436]
    269 The Legacy Way of Connecting Components to Redux.mkv [25m 947k 621]
    269 The Legacy Way of Connecting Components to Redux.ru.srt [10k 781]
    270 Redux Middleware and Thunks.en.srt [6k 975]
    270 Redux Middleware and Thunks.mkv [20m 359k 609]
    270 Redux Middleware and Thunks.ru.srt [10k 139]
    271 Making an API Call With Redux Thunks.en.srt [26k 327]
    271 Making an API Call With Redux Thunks.mkv [105m 610k 366]
    271 Making an API Call With Redux Thunks.ru.srt [37k 362]
    272 The Redux DevTools.en.srt [14k 790]
    272 The Redux DevTools.mkv [48m 825k 752]
    272 The Redux DevTools.ru.srt [21k 539]
    273 What is Redux Toolkit RTK.en.srt [5k 441]
    273 What is Redux Toolkit RTK.mkv [15m 252k 638]
    273 What is Redux Toolkit RTK.ru.srt [8k 64]
    274 Creating the Store With RTK.en.srt [6k 570]
    274 Creating the Store With RTK.mkv [26m 664k 794]
    274 Creating the Store With RTK.ru.srt [9k 768]
    275 Creating the Account Slice.en.srt [32k 504]
    275 Creating the Account Slice.mkv [126m 683k 982]
    275 Creating the Account Slice.ru.srt [46k 474]
    276 Back to Thunks.en.srt [7k 119]
    276 Back to Thunks.mkv [30m 205k 513]
    276 Back to Thunks.ru.srt [10k 464]
    277 Creating the Customer Slice.en.srt [13k 65]
    277 Creating the Customer Slice.mkv [62m 732k 163]
    277 Creating the Customer Slice.ru.srt [18k 911]
    278 Redux vs Context API.en.srt [11k 642]
    278 Redux vs Context API.mkv [32m 553k 128]
    278 Redux vs Context API.ru.srt [17k 646]

    002 Useful Resources for Part 4.html [2k 991]
    279 Introduction to Part 4.en.srt [2k 33]
    279 Introduction to Part 4.mkv [20m 631k 811]
    279 Introduction to Part 4.ru.srt [3k 3]

    22 React Router With Data Loading (v6.4+)
    281 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 227]
    281 Section Overview.mkv [4m 619k 230]
    281 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 850]
    282 Setting Up a New Project Fast React Pizza Co.en.srt [11k 858]
    282 Setting Up a New Project Fast React Pizza Co.mkv [34m 810k 413]
    282 Setting Up a New Project Fast React Pizza Co.ru.srt [16k 911]
    283 Application Planning.en.srt [32k 877]
    283 Application Planning.mkv [90m 420k 474]
    283 Application Planning.ru.srt [47k 956]
    284 Setting Up a Professional File Structure.en.srt [12k 74]
    284 Setting Up a Professional File Structure.mkv [39m 787k 795]
    284 Setting Up a Professional File Structure.ru.srt [17k 681]
    285 A New Way Of Implementing Routes.en.srt [14k 755]
    285 A New Way Of Implementing Routes.mkv [54m 448k 402]
    285 A New Way Of Implementing Routes.ru.srt [21k 494]
    286 Building the App Layout.en.srt [16k 971]
    286 Building the App Layout.mkv [57m 445k 559]
    286 Building the App Layout.ru.srt [24k 625]
    287 Fetching Data With React Router Loaders Pizza Menu.en.srt [17k 634]
    287 Fetching Data With React Router Loaders Pizza Menu.mkv [72m 677k 395]
    287 Fetching Data With React Router Loaders Pizza Menu.ru.srt [25k 901]
    288 Displaying a Loading Indicator.en.srt [8k 581]
    288 Displaying a Loading Indicator.mkv [36m 445k 44]
    288 Displaying a Loading Indicator.ru.srt [12k 692]
    289 Handling Errors With Error Elements.en.srt [8k 912]
    289 Handling Errors With Error Elements.mkv [37m 7k 885]
    289 Handling Errors With Error Elements.ru.srt [13k 142]
    290 Fetching Orders.en.srt [17k 622]
    290 Fetching Orders.mkv [73m 127k 962]
    290 Fetching Orders.ru.srt [25k 469]
    291 Writing Data With React Router Actions.en.srt [28k 10]
    291 Writing Data With React Router Actions.mkv [109m 761k 7]
    291 Writing Data With React Router Actions.ru.srt [41k 202]
    292 Error Handling in Form Actions.en.srt [14k 416]
    292 Error Handling in Form Actions.mkv [61m 493k 752]
    292 Error Handling in Form Actions.ru.srt [21k 99]

    23 [Optional] Tailwind CSS Crash Course Styling the App
    293 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 399]
    293 Section Overview.mkv [4m 227k 412]
    293 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 971]
    294 What is Tailwind CSS.en.srt [12k 160]
    294 What is Tailwind CSS.mkv [34m 664k 837]
    294 What is Tailwind CSS.ru.srt [17k 520]
    295 Setting Up Tailwind CSS.en.srt [18k 199]
    295 Setting Up Tailwind CSS.mkv [70m 630k 253]
    295 Setting Up Tailwind CSS.ru.srt [25k 604]
    296 Working With Color.en.srt [13k 901]
    296 Working With Color.mkv [56m 968k 408]
    296 Working With Color.ru.srt [19k 736]
    297 Styling Text.en.srt [14k 947]
    297 Styling Text.mkv [54m 538k 666]
    297 Styling Text.ru.srt [21k 550]
    298 The Box Model Spacing, Borders, and Display.en.srt [17k 122]
    298 The Box Model Spacing, Borders, and Display.mkv [67m 104k 955]
    298 The Box Model Spacing, Borders, and Display.ru.srt [24k 519]
    299 Responsive Design.en.srt [16k 653]
    299 Responsive Design.mkv [63m 10k 892]
    299 Responsive Design.ru.srt [24k 222]
    300 Using Flexbox.en.srt [9k 904]
    300 Using Flexbox.mkv [37m 10k 260]
    300 Using Flexbox.ru.srt [14k 241]
    301 Using CSS Grid.en.srt [18k 382]
    301 Using CSS Grid.mkv [67m 792k 129]
    301 Using CSS Grid.ru.srt [26k 772]
    302 Styling Buttons Element States and Transitions.en.srt [18k 537]
    302 Styling Buttons Element States and Transitions.mkv [70m 521k 80]
    302 Styling Buttons Element States and Transitions.ru.srt [27k 242]
    303 Styling Form Elements.en.srt [15k 16]
    303 Styling Form Elements.mkv [60m 233k 619]
    303 Styling Form Elements.ru.srt [21k 638]
    304 Reusing Styles With @apply.en.srt [6k 702]
    304 Reusing Styles With @apply.mkv [26m 492k 280]
    304 Reusing Styles With apply.ru.srt [9k 853]
    305 Reusing Styles With React Components.en.srt [17k 417]
    305 Reusing Styles With React Components.mkv [71m 603k 42]
    305 Reusing Styles With React Components.ru.srt [25k 327]
    306 Absolute Positioning, z index and More.ru.srt [13k 592]
    306 Absolute Positioning, z index, and More.en.srt [9k 357]
    306 Absolute Positioning, z index, and More.mkv [38m 532k 172]
    307 Configuring Tailwind Custom Font Family.en.srt [15k 646]
    307 Configuring Tailwind Custom Font Family.mkv [72m 650k 444]
    307 Configuring Tailwind Custom Font Family.ru.srt [22k 532]
    308 Styling the Menu.en.srt [28k 119]
    308 Styling the Menu.mkv [119m 266k 539]
    308 Styling the Menu.ru.srt [40k 6]
    309 Styling the Cart.en.srt [16k 955]
    309 Styling the Cart.mkv [70m 645k 906]
    309 Styling the Cart.ru.srt [23k 986]
    310 Styling the Order Form.en.srt [19k 835]
    310 Styling the Order Form.mkv [85m 455k 790]
    310 Styling the Order Form.ru.srt [27k 982]
    311 Styling the Order Overview.en.srt [19k 955]
    311 Styling the Order Overview.mkv [83m 550k 880]
    311 Styling the Order Overview.ru.srt [28k 12]

    24 Adding Redux and Advanced React Router
    312 Section Overview.en.srt [913]
    312 Section Overview.mkv [3m 38k 453]
    312 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 297]
    313 Modeling the User State With Redux Toolkit.en.srt [19k 864]
    313 Modeling the User State With Redux Toolkit.mkv [74m 887k 166]
    313 Modeling the User State With Redux Toolkit.ru.srt [29k 277]
    314 Reading and Updating the User State.en.srt [15k 730]
    314 Reading and Updating the User State.mkv [63m 41k 348]
    314 Reading and Updating the User State.ru.srt [22k 998]
    315 Modeling the Cart State.en.srt [21k 46]
    315 Modeling the Cart State.mkv [85m 239k 95]
    315 Modeling the Cart State.ru.srt [30k 247]
    316 Adding Menu Items to the Cart.en.srt [10k 36]
    316 Adding Menu Items to the Cart.mkv [48m 658k 662]
    316 Adding Menu Items to the Cart.ru.srt [14k 556]
    317 Building the Cart Overview With Redux Selectors.en.srt [13k 181]
    317 Building the Cart Overview With Redux Selectors.mkv [57m 753k 432]
    317 Building the Cart Overview With Redux Selectors.ru.srt [18k 750]
    318 Building the Cart Page.en.srt [10k 37]
    318 Building the Cart Page.mkv [45m 108k 366]
    318 Building the Cart Page.ru.srt [14k 454]
    319 Deleting Cart Items.en.srt [21k 648]
    319 Deleting Cart Items.mkv [94m 831k 45]
    319 Deleting Cart Items.ru.srt [31k 252]
    320 Updating Cart Quantities.en.srt [18k 696]
    320 Updating Cart Quantities.mkv [82m 311k 538]
    320 Updating Cart Quantities.ru.srt [26k 697]
    321 Using the Cart for New Orders.en.srt [20k 282]
    321 Using the Cart for New Orders.mkv [110m 553k 227]
    321 Using the Cart for New Orders.ru.srt [28k 864]
    322 Redux Thunks With createAsyncThunk.en.srt [23k 442]
    322 Redux Thunks With createAsyncThunk.mkv [96m 784k 259]
    322 Redux Thunks With createAsyncThunk.ru.srt [34k 146]
    323 Integrating Geolocation.en.srt [22k 859]
    323 Integrating Geolocation.mkv [104m 951k 177]
    323 Integrating Geolocation.ru.srt [32k 486]
    324 Fetching Data Without Navigation useFetcher.en.srt [18k 356]
    324 Fetching Data Without Navigation useFetcher.mkv [80m 371k 539]
    324 Fetching Data Without Navigation useFetcher.ru.srt [26k 101]
    325 Updating Data Without Navigation.en.srt [20k 734]
    325 Updating Data Without Navigation.mkv [91m 528k 832]
    325 Updating Data Without Navigation.ru.srt [29k 993]

    25 Setting Up Our Biggest Project + Styled Components
    326 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 272]
    326 Section Overview.mkv [4m 106k 270]
    326 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 889]
    327 Application Planning.en.srt [29k 280]
    327 Application Planning.mkv [87m 467k 205]
    327 Application Planning.ru.srt [43k 38]
    328 Setting Up the Project The Wild Oasis.en.srt [11k 692]
    328 Setting Up the Project The Wild Oasis.mkv [35m 120k 242]
    328 Setting Up the Project The Wild Oasis.ru.srt [16k 680]
    329 Introduction to Styled Components.en.srt [17k 398]
    329 Introduction to Styled Components.mkv [64m 824k 400]
    329 Introduction to Styled Components.ru.srt [25k 7]
    330 Global Styles With Styled Components.en.srt [20k 895]
    330 Global Styles With Styled Components.mkv [92m 592k 279]
    330 Global Styles With Styled Components.ru.srt [29k 981]
    331 Styled Component Props and the css Function.en.srt [15k 191]
    331 Styled Component Props and the css Function.mkv [61m 510k 581]
    331 Styled Component Props and the css Function.ru.srt [21k 669]
    332 Building More Reusable Styled Components.en.srt [15k 719]
    332 Building More Reusable Styled Components.mkv [67m 46k 668]
    332 Building More Reusable Styled Components.ru.srt [22k 564]
    333 Setting Up Pages and Routes.en.srt [8k 607]
    333 Setting Up Pages and Routes.mkv [38m 724k 757]
    333 Setting Up Pages and Routes.ru.srt [12k 302]
    334 Building the App Layout.en.srt [20k 967]
    334 Building the App Layout.mkv [79m 265k 429]
    334 Building the App Layout.ru.srt [29k 183]
    335 Building the Sidebar and Main Navigation.en.srt [18k 544]
    335 Building the Sidebar and Main Navigation.mkv [74m 951k 625]
    335 Building the Sidebar and Main Navigation.ru.srt [26k 639]

    26 Supabase Crash Course Building a Back-End!
    336 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 35]
    336 Section Overview.mkv [3m 656k 817]
    336 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 566]
    337 What is Supabase.en.srt [3k 511]
    337 What is Supabase.mkv [11m 141k 971]
    337 What is Supabase.ru.srt [5k 101]
    338 Creating a New Database.en.srt [8k 684]
    338 Creating a New Database.mkv [26m 41k 583]
    338 Creating a New Database.ru.srt [12k 721]
    339 Modeling Application State.en.srt [8k 443]
    339 Modeling Application State.mkv [23m 160k 712]
    339 Modeling Application State.ru.srt [12k 566]
    340 Creating Tables.en.srt [13k 865]
    340 Creating Tables.mkv [42m 262k 724]
    340 Creating Tables.ru.srt [19k 708]
    341 Relationships Between Tables.en.srt [11k 955]
    341 Relationships Between Tables.mkv [37m 998k 864]
    341 Relationships Between Tables.ru.srt [16k 686]
    342 Adding Security Policies RLS.en.srt [9k 563]
    342 Adding Security Policies RLS.mkv [33m 786k 618]
    342 Adding Security Policies RLS.ru.srt [14k 193]
    343 Connecting Supabase With Our React App.en.srt [12k 564]
    343 Connecting Supabase With Our React App.mkv [47m 198k 798]
    343 Connecting Supabase With Our React App.ru.srt [18k 44]
    344 Setting Up Storage Buckets.en.srt [6k 754]
    344 Setting Up Storage Buckets.mkv [27m 44k 806]
    344 Setting Up Storage Buckets.ru.srt [9k 699]

    27 React Query Managing Remote State
    345 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 21]
    345 Section Overview.mkv [3m 944k 856]
    345 Section Overview.ru.srt [1k 602]
    346 What is React Query.en.srt [9k 189]
    346 What is React Query.mkv [26m 867k 29]
    346 What is React Query.ru.srt [13k 792]
    347 Setting Up React Query.en.srt [10k 672]
    347 Setting Up React Query.mkv [45m 668k 680]
    347 Setting Up React Query.ru.srt [15k 345]
    348 Fetching Cabin Data.en.srt [31k 542]
    348 Fetching Cabin Data.mkv [126m 21k 623]
    348 Fetching Cabin Data.ru.srt [45k 494]
    349 Mutations Deleting a Cabin.en.srt [25k 806]
    349 Mutations Deleting a Cabin.mkv [101m 310k 156]
    349 Mutations Deleting a Cabin.ru.srt [37k 645]
    350 Displaying Toasts Notifications.en.srt [12k 410]
    350 Displaying Toasts Notifications.mkv [50m 876k 508]
    350 Displaying Toasts Notifications.ru.srt [17k 500]
    351 Introducing Another Library React Hook Form.en.srt [16k 402]
    351 Introducing Another Library React Hook Form.mkv [69m 606k 884]
    351 Introducing Another Library React Hook Form.ru.srt [23k 781]
    352 Creating a New Cabin.en.srt [17k 572]
    352 Creating a New Cabin.mkv [74m 580k 475]
    352 Creating a New Cabin.ru.srt [24k 688]
    353 Handling Form Errors.en.srt [31k 266]
    353 Handling Form Errors.mkv [148m 924k 294]
    353 Handling Form Errors.ru.srt [43k 640]
    354 Uploading Images to Supabase.en.srt [21k 84]
    354 Uploading Images to Supabase.mkv [86m 300k 345]
    354 Uploading Images to Supabase.ru.srt [29k 654]
    355 Editing a Cabin.en.srt [42k 950]
    355 Editing a Cabin.mkv [193m 538k 883]
    355 Editing a Cabin.ru.srt [62k 93]
    356 Abstracting React Query Into Custom Hooks.en.srt [23k 845]
    356 Abstracting React Query Into Custom Hooks.mkv [109m 271k 308]
    356 Abstracting React Query Into Custom Hooks.ru.srt [33k 140]
    357 Duplicating Cabins.en.srt [9k 685]
    357 Duplicating Cabins.mkv [42m 205k 569]
    357 Duplicating Cabins.ru.srt [13k 749]
    358 Fetching Applications Settings.en.srt [12k 478]
    358 Fetching Applications Settings.mkv [50m 751k 10]
    358 Fetching Applications Settings.ru.srt [17k 775]
    359 Updating Application Settings.en.srt [16k 590]
    359 Updating Application Settings.mkv [67m 0k 802]
    359 Updating Application Settings.ru.srt [23k 941]

    28 Advanced React Patterns
    003.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [117]
    003.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [119]
    006.1 CodeSandbox link FINAL.html [124]
    006.2 CodeSandbox link STARTER.html [126]
    360 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 724]
    360 Section Overview.mkv [5m 183k 811]
    360 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 585]
    361 An Overview of Reusability in React.en.srt [8k 490]
    361 An Overview of Reusability in React.mkv [24m 872k 667]
    361 An Overview of Reusability in React.ru.srt [13k 304]
    362 Setting Up an Example.en.srt [9k 705]
    362 Setting Up an Example.mkv [41m 987k 632]
    362 Setting Up an Example.ru.srt [14k 448]
    363 The Render Props Pattern.en.srt [11k 360]
    363 The Render Props Pattern.mkv [49m 124k 347]
    363 The Render Props Pattern.ru.srt [16k 476]
    364 A Look at Higher Order Components HOC.en.srt [12k 344]
    364 A Look at Higher Order Components HOC.mkv [54m 654k 320]
    364 A Look at Higher Order Components HOC.ru.srt [17k 714]
    365 The Compound Component Pattern.en.srt [26k 107]
    365 The Compound Component Pattern.mkv [90m 865k 741]
    365 The Compound Component Pattern.ru.srt [36k 904]
    366 Building a Modal Window Using a React Portal.en.srt [28k 991]
    366 Building a Modal Window Using a React Portal.mkv [111m 951k 93]
    366 Building a Modal Window Using a React Portal.ru.srt [41k 543]
    367 Converting the Modal to a Compound Component.en.srt [32k 297]
    367 Converting the Modal to a Compound Component.mkv [125m 957k 692]
    367 Converting the Modal to a Compound Component.ru.srt [46k 277]
    368 Detecting a Click Outside the Modal.en.srt [19k 622]
    368 Detecting a Click Outside the Modal.mkv [81m 258k 336]
    368 Detecting a Click Outside the Modal.ru.srt [28k 372]
    369 Confirming Cabin Deletions.en.srt [12k 361]
    369 Confirming Cabin Deletions.mkv [54m 614k 917]
    369 Confirming Cabin Deletions.ru.srt [17k 666]
    370 Building a Reusable Table.en.srt [16k 538]
    370 Building a Reusable Table.mkv [76m 454k 594]
    370 Building a Reusable Table.ru.srt [23k 159]
    371 Applying the Render Props Pattern.en.srt [6k 624]
    371 Applying the Render Props Pattern.mkv [28m 108k 909]
    371 Applying the Render Props Pattern.ru.srt [9k 572]
    372 Building a Reusable Context Menu.en.srt [46k 172]
    372 Building a Reusable Context Menu.mkv [199m 237k 691]
    372 Building a Reusable Context Menu.ru.srt [65k 54]

    29 [Optional] Implementing More Features Authentication, Dark Mode, Dashboard, etc
    373 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 772]
    373 Section Overview.mkv [6m 110k 388]
    373 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 691]
    374 Client Side Filtering Filtering Cabins.en.srt [25k 280]
    374 Client Side Filtering Filtering Cabins.mkv [114m 466k 560]
    374 Client Side Filtering Filtering Cabins.ru.srt [35k 373]
    375 Client Side Sorting Sorting Cabins.en.srt [28k 34]
    375 Client Side Sorting Sorting Cabins.mkv [117m 10k 876]
    375 Client Side Sorting Sorting Cabins.ru.srt [40k 67]
    376 Building the Bookings Table.en.srt [25k 815]
    376 Building the Bookings Table.mkv [105m 298k 927]
    376 Building the Bookings Table.ru.srt [35k 864]
    377 Uploading Sample Data.en.srt [8k 24]
    377 Uploading Sample Data.mkv [42m 285k 836]
    377 Uploading Sample Data.ru.srt [11k 246]
    378 API Side Filtering Filtering Bookings.en.srt [24k 915]
    378 API Side Filtering Filtering Bookings.mkv [107m 505k 46]
    378 API Side Filtering Filtering Bookings.ru.srt [35k 849]
    379 API Side Sorting Sorting Bookings.en.srt [9k 214]
    379 API Side Sorting Sorting Bookings.mkv [45m 624k 149]
    379 API Side Sorting Sorting Bookings.ru.srt [13k 201]
    380 Building a Reusable Pagination Component.en.srt [22k 239]
    380 Building a Reusable Pagination Component.mkv [98m 529k 45]
    380 Building a Reusable Pagination Component.ru.srt [31k 644]
    381 API Side Pagination Paginating Bookings.en.srt [15k 298]
    381 API Side Pagination Paginating Bookings.mkv [68m 163k 223]
    381 API Side Pagination Paginating Bookings.ru.srt [21k 544]
    382 Prefetching With React Query.en.srt [11k 569]
    382 Prefetching With React Query.mkv [45m 998k 56]
    382 Prefetching With React Query.ru.srt [17k 510]
    383 Building the Single Booking Page.en.srt [22k 56]
    383 Building the Single Booking Page.mkv [91m 601k 700]
    383 Building the Single Booking Page.ru.srt [32k 167]
    384 Checking In a Booking.en.srt [38k 396]
    384 Checking In a Booking.mkv [184m 495k 79]
    384 Checking In a Booking.ru.srt [54k 729]
    385 Adding Optional Breakfast.en.srt [19k 413]
    385 Adding Optional Breakfast.mkv [89m 484k 580]
    385 Adding Optional Breakfast.ru.srt [27k 5]
    386 Checking Out a Booking + Fixing a Small Bug.en.srt [13k 82]
    386 Checking Out a Booking + Fixing a Small Bug.mkv [66m 29k 672]
    386 Checking Out a Booking + Fixing a Small Bug.ru.srt [18k 948]
    387 Deleting a Booking.en.srt [18k 620]
    387 Deleting a Booking.mkv [91m 866k 125]
    387 Deleting a Booking.ru.srt [26k 760]
    388 Authentication User Login With Supabase.en.srt [32k 39]
    388 Authentication User Login With Supabase.mkv [129m 395k 728]
    388 Authentication User Login With Supabase.ru.srt [46k 648]
    389 Authorization Protecting Routes.en.srt [33k 487]
    389 Authorization Protecting Routes.mkv [138m 199k 284]
    389 Authorization Protecting Routes.ru.srt [48k 714]
    390 User Logout.en.srt [12k 22]
    390 User Logout.mkv [51m 581k 448]
    390 User Logout.ru.srt [17k 223]
    391 Fixing an Important Bug.en.srt [8k 395]
    391 Fixing an Important Bug.mkv [31m 443k 210]
    391 Fixing an Important Bug.ru.srt [12k 523]
    392 Building the Sign Up Form.en.srt [15k 51]
    392 Building the Sign Up Form.mkv [64m 310k 345]
    392 Building the Sign Up Form.ru.srt [21k 394]
    393 User Sign Up.en.srt [21k 17]
    393 User Sign Up.mkv [87m 3k 296]
    393 User Sign Up.ru.srt [30k 806]
    394 Authorization on Supabase Protecting Database RLS.en.srt [7k 34]
    394 Authorization on Supabase Protecting Database RLS.mkv [27m 533k 486]
    394 Authorization on Supabase Protecting Database RLS.ru.srt [10k 237]
    395 Building The App Header.en.srt [13k 178]
    395 Building The App Header.mkv [59m 749k 391]
    395 Building The App Header.ru.srt [19k 118]
    396 Updating User Data and Password.en.srt [39k 1]
    396 Updating User Data and Password.mkv [170m 969k 182]
    396 Updating User Data and Password.ru.srt [55k 377]
    397 Implementing Dark Mode With CSS Variables.en.srt [30k 81]
    397 Implementing Dark Mode With CSS Variables.mkv [139m 11k 132]
    397 Implementing Dark Mode With CSS Variables.ru.srt [42k 995]
    398 Building the Dashboard Layout.en.srt [6k 368]
    398 Building the Dashboard Layout.mkv [28m 503k 472]
    398 Building the Dashboard Layout.ru.srt [9k 85]
    399 Computing Recent Bookings and Stays.en.srt [21k 421]
    399 Computing Recent Bookings and Stays.mkv [96m 103k 915]
    399 Computing Recent Bookings and Stays.ru.srt [30k 633]
    400 Displaying Statistics.en.srt [16k 181]
    400 Displaying Statistics.mkv [72m 124k 554]
    400 Displaying Statistics.ru.srt [22k 722]
    401 Displaying a Line Chart With the Recharts Library.en.srt [32k 990]
    401 Displaying a Line Chart With the Recharts Library.mkv [150m 715k 66]
    401 Displaying a Line Chart With the Recharts Library.ru.srt [46k 602]
    402 Displaying a Pie Chart.en.srt [22k 933]
    402 Displaying a Pie Chart.mkv [102m 494k 524]
    402 Displaying a Pie Chart.ru.srt [32k 367]
    403 Displaying Stays for Current Day.en.srt [28k 674]
    403 Displaying Stays for Current Day.mkv [129m 534k 893]
    403 Displaying Stays for Current Day.ru.srt [40k 438]
    404 Error Boundaries.en.srt [13k 906]
    404 Error Boundaries.mkv [58m 452k 306]
    404 Error Boundaries.ru.srt [20k 407]
    405 Final Touches + Fixing Bugs.en.srt [22k 321]
    405 Final Touches + Fixing Bugs.mkv [81m 995k 69]
    405 Final Touches + Fixing Bugs.ru.srt [32k 136]

    30 Deployment With Netlify and Vercel
    406 Section Overview.en.srt [1k 617]
    406 Section Overview.mkv [5m 669k 805]
    406 Section Overview.ru.srt [2k 306]
    407 Deploying to Netlify.en.srt [16k 687]
    407 Deploying to Netlify.mkv [65m 45k 706]
    407 Deploying to Netlify.ru.srt [23k 971]
    408 Setting Up a Git and GitHub Repository.en.srt [24k 633]
    408 Setting Up a Git and GitHub Repository.mkv [83m 832k 606]
    408 Setting Up a Git and GitHub Repository.ru.srt [35k 343]
    409 Deploying to Vercel.en.srt [8k 799]
    409 Deploying to Vercel.mkv [27m 441k 115]
    409 Deploying to Vercel.ru.srt [12k 639]

    31 The End!
    410 Where to Go from Here.en.srt [4k 793]
    410 Where to Go from Here.mkv [47m 868k 895]
    410 Where to Go from Here.ru.srt [7k 42]

    Объем: 21,1Гб.

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