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[Brainwave] Усиление оргазма

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    [Brainwave] Усиление оргазма

    Don't waste one of life's greatest gifts!
    If you're going through lovemaking without that all important climactic result being as satisfying as possible, you're robbing yourself of one of the most important experiences either gender can feel. By unleashing the true power of your mind you can feel satisfaction that goes deeper than just the act itself and unlock the full potential of your mind. Everything about orgasm that we all know and love comes as a direct result of both neuromuscular euphoria and the release of chemicals in the brain such as serotonin. So of course the best question you can ask yourself about this process is, how could it get even better?
    This reaction within the brain is the result of several different transmitters interacting and cooperating. And the more efficiently they cooperate the better the results will be for you and your partner. By unlocking the full potential of the mind you too can achieve orgasms that will bring both you and your partner closer together and leave yourselves exchanging knowing glances saying, "Wow!" And the beauty of it all is that it's all in your mind. And that's just the beginning.
    In addition to improving every experience, a healthier love life will also bring both you and your partner closer together. Through this miracle of science you will actually find yourselves wanting more and more to find some time to be alone so you can set off on the lives you've always wanted. And through a healthy and positive love life you'll also be more satisfied in other aspects of living as well. It will be like a secret weapon you both share to combat the stressors of everyday life. You'll both look forward to the opportunities of each experience. And above all else you will both have the satisfaction of knowing your relationship wants for nothing in the bedroom.
    But the health benefits don't have to stop there either. In addition to being more intimate, your own body will thank you as well. The orgasm releases massive amounts of endorphins in your system. In addition to reducing pain, endorphins give you a feeling of satisfaction with your life more powerful than any drug. And through this perfectly natural method that doesn't depend on any unhealthy chemicals you will be leading a healthier and more satisfied life.
    Скрытый текст. Доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям.Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть...
    28 ноя 2016
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